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Updated September 2022
30. Jensen, E. L., and D. M. Leigh. 2022. Using temporal genomics to understand contemporary climate change responses in wildlife. Ecology and Evolution. 12
29. Gray, R., N. Fusco, J. M. Miller, W. Tapia, C. Mariani, A. Caccone, and E. L. Jensen. 2022. Temporal Monitoring of the Floreana Island Galapagos Giant Tortoise Captive Breeding Program. In Press. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
28. Jensen, E. L.*, S. J. Gaughran*, N. A. Fusco, N. Poulakakis, W. Tapia, C. Sevilla, J. Málaga, C. Mariani, J. P. Gibbs and A. Caccone. The Galapagos giant tortoise Chelonoids phantasticus is not extinct. 2022. Communications Biology. 5:546
27. Hoban, S., F. I. Archer, L. D. Bertola, J. G. Bragg, M. F. Breed, M. W. Bruford, M. A. Coleman, R. Ekblom, W. C. Funk, C. E. Grueber, B. K. Hand, R. Jaffé, E. L. Jensen, J. S. Johnson, F. Kershaw, L. Liggins, A. J. MacDonald, J. Mergeay, J. M. Miller, F. Muller-Karger, D. O'Brien, I. Paz-Vinas, K. M. Potter, O. Razgour, C. Vernes, and M. E. Hunter. Global genetic diversity status and trends: towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition. 2022. Biological Reviews. 97:1511-1538
26. Jensen, E. L., M. C. Quinzin, J. M. Miller, M. A. Russello, R. C. Garrick, D. L. Edwards, S. Glaberman, Y. Chiari, N. Poulakakis, W. Tapia A, J. P. Gibbs, and A. Caccone. 2022. A new lineage of Galapagos giant tortoises identified from museum samples. Heredity. 128:261-270
25. Hayward, K. M., R. B. G. Clemente-Carvalho, E. L. Jensen, P. V. C. de Groot, M. Branigan, M. Dyck, C. Tschritter, Z. Sun, and S. C. Lougheed. 2022. Genotyping-in-thousands by sequencing (GT-seq) of noninvasive faecal and degraded samples: A new panel to enable ongoing monitoring of Canadian polar bear populations. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22:1906-1918
24. Jensen, E. L.*, D. Díez-del-Molino*, M. T. P. Gilbert, L. D. Bertola, F. Borges, V. Cubric-Curik, M. de Navascués, P. Frandsen, M. Heuertz, C. Hvilsom, B. Jiménez-Mena, A. Miettinen, M. Moest, P. Pečnerová, I. Barnes, and C. Vernesi. 2022. Ancient and historical DNA in conservation policy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 37:420-429
23. Jensen, E. L., S. J. Gaughran, R. C. Garrick, M. A. Russello, and A. Caccone. In Press. Demographic history and patterns of molecular evolution from whole genome sequencing in the radiation of Galapagos giant tortoises. Molecular Ecology 30: 6325-6339
22. Leigh, D. M.*, C. B. Van Rees*, K. L. Millette*, M. F. Breed, C. Schmidt, L. D. Bertola, B. K. Hand, M. E. Hunter, E. L. Jensen, F. Kershaw, L. Liggins, G. Luikart, S. Manel, J. Mergeay, J. M. Miller, G. Segelbacher, S. Hoban, and I. Paz-Vinas. 2021. Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies. Nature Reviews Genetics 22: 791-807
21. Paz-Vinas, I.*, E. L. Jensen*, L. Bertola, M. Breed, B. Hand, M. Hunter, F. Kershaw, D. Leigh, G. Luikart, J. Mergeay, J. Miller, C. van Rees, G. Segelbacher, and S. Hoban. 2021. Macro-genetic studies must not ignore limiations of genetic markers and scale. Ecology Letters 24: 1282-1284
20. Hekkala, E., J. Gatesy, A. Narechania, R. Meredith, M. Russello, M. L. Aardema, E. L. Jensen, S. Montanari, C. Brochu, M. Norell, and G. Amato. 2021. Paleogenomics illuminates the evolutionary history of the extinct Holocene “horned” crocodile of Madagascar, Voay robustus. Communications Biology 4:505.
19. Poulakakis, N., J. M. Miller, E. L. Jensen, L. Beheregaray, M. A. Russello, S. Glaberman, J. Boore and A. Caccone. In Press. Colonization history of Galapagos giant tortoises: insights from mitogenomes support the progression rule. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.
18. Jensen, E. L., B. McClenaghan, B. Ford, A. Lentini, K. C. R. Kerr and M. A. Russello. 2020. Genotyping on the Ark: A synthesis of genetic resources available for species in zoos. Zoo Biology, 39:257-262
17. Jensen, E. L., C. Tschritter, P. V. C. de Groot, K. M. Kayward, M. Branigan, M. Dyck and S. C. Lougheed. 2020. Canadian polar bear population structure using genome-wide markers. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 3706-3714
16. Hayward, K.*, M. P. Harwood*, S. C. Lougheed, Z. Sum, P. V. C. de Groot and E. L. Jensen. 2020. A real-time PCR assay to accurately quantify polar bear DNA in fecal extracts. Peer J e8884
15. Reid, B., J. Kass, S. Wollney, E. L. Jensen, M. A. Russello, E. Viola, J. Pantophlet, J. Iverson, . Peery, C. Raxworthy, and E. Naro-Maciel. 2019. Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed species. Heredity, 122: 441-457.
14. Jensen, E. L., D. L. Edwards, Ryan. C. Garrick, J. M. Miller, J. P. Gibbs, Linda J. Cayot, W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2018. Population genomics through time provides insights into the consequences of decline and rapid demographic recovery through head-starting in a Galapagos giant tortoise. Evolutionary Applications, 11: 1881-1821.
13. Jensen, E. L., J. M. Miller, D. L. Edwards, R. C. Garrick, W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2018. Temporal mitogenomics of the Galapagos giant tortoise from Pinzón reveals potential biases in population genetic inference. Journal of Heredity, 109: 631-640. (COVER)
12. Miller, J. M., M. C. Quinzin, D. L. Edwards, D. A. R. Eaton, E. L. Jensen, M. A. Russello, J. P. Gibbs, W. Tapia, D. Rueda, and A. Caccone. 2018. Genome-wide assessment of diversity and divergence among extant Galápagos giant tortoise species. Journal of Heredity 109: 611-619. (COVER)
11. Jensen, E. L., A. Mooers, G. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2016. I-HEDGE: Determining the optimum complementary sets of taxa for conservation using evolutionary isolation. Peer J. 4:e2350.
10. Milián-García, Y., E. L. Jensen, S. Ribalta Mena, E. Perez Felitas, G. Sosa Rodriguez, L. Guerra Manchena, G. Espinosa Lopez, and M. A. Russello. 2016. Genetic evidence for multiple paternity in the Critically Endangered Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer). Amphibia-Reptilia 37:273-281.
9. Shafer, A. B., J. B. W. Wolf, P. C. Alves, L. Bergström, G. Colling, L. Dalén, L. De Meester, R. Ekblom, S. Fior, M. Hajibabaei, A. R. Hoezel, J. Höglund, E. L. Jensen, M. Krützen, A. J. Norman, E. M. Österling, N. J. Ouborg, J. Piccolo, C. R. Primmer, F. A. Reed, M. Roumet, J. Salmona, M. K. Schwartz, J. Thaulow, M. Valtonen, M. Weissensteiner, C. W. Wheat, and P. Zieliński. 2016. Reply to Garner et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:83-84.
8. Jensen, E. L., W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Genetics of a head-start program to guide conservation of an endangered Galápagos tortoise (Chelonoidis ephippium). Conservation Genetics 16: 823-832.
7. Milián-García, Y., E. L. Jensen, J. Madsen, S. Alvarez Alonso, A. Serrano Rodriguez, G. Espinosa Lopez, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Founded: genetics reconstruct lineage diversity and kinship within on-island captive populations of Cuban Amazon parrots to inform ex situ conservation. Journal of Heredity 106: 575-579. Article also available in Spanish.
6. Shafer, A. B., J. B. W. Wolf, P. C. Alves, L. Bergström, M. W. Bruford, I. Brännström, G. Colling, L. Dalén, L. De Meester, R. Ekblom, K. D. Fawcett, S. Fior, M. Hajibabaei, J. A. Hill, A. R. Hoezel, J. Höglund, E. L. Jensen, J. Krause, T. N. Kristensen, M. Krützen, J. K. McKay, A. J. Norman, R. Ogden, E. M. Österling, N. J. Ouborg, J. Piccolo, D. Popović, C. R. Primmer, F. A. Reed, M. Roumet, J. Salmona, T. Schenekar, M. K. Schwartz, G. Segelbacher, H. Senn, J. Thaulow, M. Valtonen, A. Veale, P. Vergeer, N. Vijay, C. Vilà, M. Weissensteiner, L. Wennerström, C. W. Wheat, and P. Zieliński. 2015. Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:78-87.
5. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Genetic assessment of taxonomic uncertainty in Painted Turtles. Journal of Herpetology 49: 314-324.
4. Morbey, Y., E. L. Jensen, and M. A. Russello. 2014. Time scale matters: genetic analysis does not support adaptation-by-time as the mechanism for adaptive seasonal declines in kokanee reproductive lifespan. Ecology and Evolution 4:3714-3722.
3. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, and M. A. Russello. 2014. When the shoe doesn’t fit: applying conservation unit concepts to western painted turtles at their northern periphery. Conservation Genetics 15:261-274.
2. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, J. Madsen, and M. A. Russello. 2014. Extirpation by introgression?: Genetic evidence reveals hybridization between introduced Chrysemys picta and endangered Western Painted Turtles (C .p. bellii) in British Columbia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9:342-353.
1. Jensen, E. L., L. M. Dill, and J. F. Cahill. 2011. Applying behavioral-ecological theory to plant defense: light-dependent movement in Mimosa pudica suggests a trade-off between predation risk and energetic reward. American Naturalist 177:377-381.
30. Jensen, E. L., and D. M. Leigh. 2022. Using temporal genomics to understand contemporary climate change responses in wildlife. Ecology and Evolution. 12
29. Gray, R., N. Fusco, J. M. Miller, W. Tapia, C. Mariani, A. Caccone, and E. L. Jensen. 2022. Temporal Monitoring of the Floreana Island Galapagos Giant Tortoise Captive Breeding Program. In Press. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
28. Jensen, E. L.*, S. J. Gaughran*, N. A. Fusco, N. Poulakakis, W. Tapia, C. Sevilla, J. Málaga, C. Mariani, J. P. Gibbs and A. Caccone. The Galapagos giant tortoise Chelonoids phantasticus is not extinct. 2022. Communications Biology. 5:546
27. Hoban, S., F. I. Archer, L. D. Bertola, J. G. Bragg, M. F. Breed, M. W. Bruford, M. A. Coleman, R. Ekblom, W. C. Funk, C. E. Grueber, B. K. Hand, R. Jaffé, E. L. Jensen, J. S. Johnson, F. Kershaw, L. Liggins, A. J. MacDonald, J. Mergeay, J. M. Miller, F. Muller-Karger, D. O'Brien, I. Paz-Vinas, K. M. Potter, O. Razgour, C. Vernes, and M. E. Hunter. Global genetic diversity status and trends: towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition. 2022. Biological Reviews. 97:1511-1538
26. Jensen, E. L., M. C. Quinzin, J. M. Miller, M. A. Russello, R. C. Garrick, D. L. Edwards, S. Glaberman, Y. Chiari, N. Poulakakis, W. Tapia A, J. P. Gibbs, and A. Caccone. 2022. A new lineage of Galapagos giant tortoises identified from museum samples. Heredity. 128:261-270
25. Hayward, K. M., R. B. G. Clemente-Carvalho, E. L. Jensen, P. V. C. de Groot, M. Branigan, M. Dyck, C. Tschritter, Z. Sun, and S. C. Lougheed. 2022. Genotyping-in-thousands by sequencing (GT-seq) of noninvasive faecal and degraded samples: A new panel to enable ongoing monitoring of Canadian polar bear populations. Molecular Ecology Resources. 22:1906-1918
24. Jensen, E. L.*, D. Díez-del-Molino*, M. T. P. Gilbert, L. D. Bertola, F. Borges, V. Cubric-Curik, M. de Navascués, P. Frandsen, M. Heuertz, C. Hvilsom, B. Jiménez-Mena, A. Miettinen, M. Moest, P. Pečnerová, I. Barnes, and C. Vernesi. 2022. Ancient and historical DNA in conservation policy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 37:420-429
23. Jensen, E. L., S. J. Gaughran, R. C. Garrick, M. A. Russello, and A. Caccone. In Press. Demographic history and patterns of molecular evolution from whole genome sequencing in the radiation of Galapagos giant tortoises. Molecular Ecology 30: 6325-6339
22. Leigh, D. M.*, C. B. Van Rees*, K. L. Millette*, M. F. Breed, C. Schmidt, L. D. Bertola, B. K. Hand, M. E. Hunter, E. L. Jensen, F. Kershaw, L. Liggins, G. Luikart, S. Manel, J. Mergeay, J. M. Miller, G. Segelbacher, S. Hoban, and I. Paz-Vinas. 2021. Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies. Nature Reviews Genetics 22: 791-807
21. Paz-Vinas, I.*, E. L. Jensen*, L. Bertola, M. Breed, B. Hand, M. Hunter, F. Kershaw, D. Leigh, G. Luikart, J. Mergeay, J. Miller, C. van Rees, G. Segelbacher, and S. Hoban. 2021. Macro-genetic studies must not ignore limiations of genetic markers and scale. Ecology Letters 24: 1282-1284
20. Hekkala, E., J. Gatesy, A. Narechania, R. Meredith, M. Russello, M. L. Aardema, E. L. Jensen, S. Montanari, C. Brochu, M. Norell, and G. Amato. 2021. Paleogenomics illuminates the evolutionary history of the extinct Holocene “horned” crocodile of Madagascar, Voay robustus. Communications Biology 4:505.
19. Poulakakis, N., J. M. Miller, E. L. Jensen, L. Beheregaray, M. A. Russello, S. Glaberman, J. Boore and A. Caccone. In Press. Colonization history of Galapagos giant tortoises: insights from mitogenomes support the progression rule. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.
18. Jensen, E. L., B. McClenaghan, B. Ford, A. Lentini, K. C. R. Kerr and M. A. Russello. 2020. Genotyping on the Ark: A synthesis of genetic resources available for species in zoos. Zoo Biology, 39:257-262
17. Jensen, E. L., C. Tschritter, P. V. C. de Groot, K. M. Kayward, M. Branigan, M. Dyck and S. C. Lougheed. 2020. Canadian polar bear population structure using genome-wide markers. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 3706-3714
16. Hayward, K.*, M. P. Harwood*, S. C. Lougheed, Z. Sum, P. V. C. de Groot and E. L. Jensen. 2020. A real-time PCR assay to accurately quantify polar bear DNA in fecal extracts. Peer J e8884
15. Reid, B., J. Kass, S. Wollney, E. L. Jensen, M. A. Russello, E. Viola, J. Pantophlet, J. Iverson, . Peery, C. Raxworthy, and E. Naro-Maciel. 2019. Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed species. Heredity, 122: 441-457.
14. Jensen, E. L., D. L. Edwards, Ryan. C. Garrick, J. M. Miller, J. P. Gibbs, Linda J. Cayot, W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2018. Population genomics through time provides insights into the consequences of decline and rapid demographic recovery through head-starting in a Galapagos giant tortoise. Evolutionary Applications, 11: 1881-1821.
13. Jensen, E. L., J. M. Miller, D. L. Edwards, R. C. Garrick, W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2018. Temporal mitogenomics of the Galapagos giant tortoise from Pinzón reveals potential biases in population genetic inference. Journal of Heredity, 109: 631-640. (COVER)
12. Miller, J. M., M. C. Quinzin, D. L. Edwards, D. A. R. Eaton, E. L. Jensen, M. A. Russello, J. P. Gibbs, W. Tapia, D. Rueda, and A. Caccone. 2018. Genome-wide assessment of diversity and divergence among extant Galápagos giant tortoise species. Journal of Heredity 109: 611-619. (COVER)
11. Jensen, E. L., A. Mooers, G. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2016. I-HEDGE: Determining the optimum complementary sets of taxa for conservation using evolutionary isolation. Peer J. 4:e2350.
10. Milián-García, Y., E. L. Jensen, S. Ribalta Mena, E. Perez Felitas, G. Sosa Rodriguez, L. Guerra Manchena, G. Espinosa Lopez, and M. A. Russello. 2016. Genetic evidence for multiple paternity in the Critically Endangered Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer). Amphibia-Reptilia 37:273-281.
9. Shafer, A. B., J. B. W. Wolf, P. C. Alves, L. Bergström, G. Colling, L. Dalén, L. De Meester, R. Ekblom, S. Fior, M. Hajibabaei, A. R. Hoezel, J. Höglund, E. L. Jensen, M. Krützen, A. J. Norman, E. M. Österling, N. J. Ouborg, J. Piccolo, C. R. Primmer, F. A. Reed, M. Roumet, J. Salmona, M. K. Schwartz, J. Thaulow, M. Valtonen, M. Weissensteiner, C. W. Wheat, and P. Zieliński. 2016. Reply to Garner et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:83-84.
8. Jensen, E. L., W. Tapia, A. Caccone, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Genetics of a head-start program to guide conservation of an endangered Galápagos tortoise (Chelonoidis ephippium). Conservation Genetics 16: 823-832.
7. Milián-García, Y., E. L. Jensen, J. Madsen, S. Alvarez Alonso, A. Serrano Rodriguez, G. Espinosa Lopez, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Founded: genetics reconstruct lineage diversity and kinship within on-island captive populations of Cuban Amazon parrots to inform ex situ conservation. Journal of Heredity 106: 575-579. Article also available in Spanish.
6. Shafer, A. B., J. B. W. Wolf, P. C. Alves, L. Bergström, M. W. Bruford, I. Brännström, G. Colling, L. Dalén, L. De Meester, R. Ekblom, K. D. Fawcett, S. Fior, M. Hajibabaei, J. A. Hill, A. R. Hoezel, J. Höglund, E. L. Jensen, J. Krause, T. N. Kristensen, M. Krützen, J. K. McKay, A. J. Norman, R. Ogden, E. M. Österling, N. J. Ouborg, J. Piccolo, D. Popović, C. R. Primmer, F. A. Reed, M. Roumet, J. Salmona, T. Schenekar, M. K. Schwartz, G. Segelbacher, H. Senn, J. Thaulow, M. Valtonen, A. Veale, P. Vergeer, N. Vijay, C. Vilà, M. Weissensteiner, L. Wennerström, C. W. Wheat, and P. Zieliński. 2015. Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:78-87.
5. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, and M. A. Russello. 2015. Genetic assessment of taxonomic uncertainty in Painted Turtles. Journal of Herpetology 49: 314-324.
4. Morbey, Y., E. L. Jensen, and M. A. Russello. 2014. Time scale matters: genetic analysis does not support adaptation-by-time as the mechanism for adaptive seasonal declines in kokanee reproductive lifespan. Ecology and Evolution 4:3714-3722.
3. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, and M. A. Russello. 2014. When the shoe doesn’t fit: applying conservation unit concepts to western painted turtles at their northern periphery. Conservation Genetics 15:261-274.
2. Jensen, E. L., P. Govindarajulu, J. Madsen, and M. A. Russello. 2014. Extirpation by introgression?: Genetic evidence reveals hybridization between introduced Chrysemys picta and endangered Western Painted Turtles (C .p. bellii) in British Columbia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9:342-353.
1. Jensen, E. L., L. M. Dill, and J. F. Cahill. 2011. Applying behavioral-ecological theory to plant defense: light-dependent movement in Mimosa pudica suggests a trade-off between predation risk and energetic reward. American Naturalist 177:377-381.